Financial Information

At Radiant Clinic, surprise medical bills are a thing of the past. With our innovative package-based pricing, you always know how much you’ll pay, and exactly what you’ll get. And that allows you to focus on what’s most important: your health.

It’s simple. Purchase a package based on your situation: fertility, medical visits, pregnancy, charting instruction, or coaching. Your package includes all listed services over the specified amount of time. After you purchase a package, we’ll contact you to schedule your first appointment. Add-on services may be recommended at any point in your treatment protocol.

Not sure which package to choose? Book a Free Discovery Call with Dr Minjeur to determine which services are right for you.

Why package-based pricing? Because you want results and our packages include everything needed to help you enhance your natural fertility and improve your cycle health naturally, with one up-front cost. So instead of worrying about bills piling up, you can focus on you.

Please note: Radiant Clinic is private-pay only for medical visits, coaching, and charting instruction. For more information about our financial policies, visit our FAQ.

Complete Fertility Package

Choose this package if you’re trying to conceive. Includes everything you need to enhance & optimize your natural fertility, including hormone monitoring throughout your pregnancy.

Complete Fertility Package

Includes all of the following:

  • 60 minute intake & initial visit with Dr. Minjeur

  • All necessary follow-up visits (30-60 min) with Dr. Minjeur, typically 4-5 per year

  • Cost of all baseline labs & monthly labs, completed through LabCorp*

  • Eight hours with dietitian or health coach (mutual decision after lab results review)

  • Follicle ultrasound tracking scans (up to 6) at Radiant Clinic*

  • Monthly lab monitoring and treatment adjustments

  • Paid annual subscription to ChartNeo App for fertility monitoring

  • Access to 20% off any recommended supplements through Fullscript

  • Pregnancy & Hormone monitoring package (listed below)

  • Email & text access to Dr. Minjeur & team between visits

Does not include:

  • Charting instruction**

  • Supplements or medications

  • Male fertility evaluation

  • Specialty lab testing if recommended (LAD Test, NK Cells, etc)

  • Dietitian labs if indicated ($100 cash cost)

  • Thyroid labs if ongoing monitoring required ($50 each time cash cost)

Time of Enrollment
18 months, or up to 24 months if agreed upon by Dr. Minjeur

Pricing Options
One-time payment of $9000 (savings of $1800) OR $1800 per month for 6 months. No partial refunds or early cancellation.

*If you are unable to utilize LabCorp for labs or Radiant Clinic for ultrasound services, you may use a local lab or imaging center of your choice, but will be responsible for payment to that facility. Payment for that portion of your package will be applied towards outside facility coordination and review of results and imaging.
If you are not already charting with Creighton, FEMM, ChartNeo, Sympto-thermal or Marquette method, you must also purchase Charting instruction.

Medical Visits and Charting

Medical Visits

Choose this package if you’re having any medical concerns, such as painful periods, irregular cycles, or PCOS, but you’re not currently trying to conceive.

  • Regular Appointments with Dr. Minjeur

  • Email & Text Support between appointments

First Month: $500

Ongoing Monthly Cost: $250*

*If you are not already charting with Creighton, FEMM, ChartNeo, Sympto-thermal or Marquette method, you must also purchase Charting instruction.

Charting Instruction

Choose this package if you want fertility awareness instruction only. If you need to add on Charting Instruction to a Medical Visits package, be sure to let us know so we can combine billing.

  • 7-9 sessions with charting instructors over 12 months

  • All supplies included

  • Available methods taught: NeoFertility, Creighton or FEMM

Pricing Options:

$800 for the year ($100 savings)


$150 per month for 6 months

Pregnancy & Hormone Monitoring

Choose this option if you are already pregnant and need monitoring for progesterone & other hormones during pregnancy

Pregnancy & Hormone Monitoring package

Includes all of the following:

  • Two 60-minute appointments with Dr. Minjeur (in-person or virtual)

  • One 60-minute postpartum appointment with Dr. Minjeur (as needed)

  • Early OB ultrasound at Radiant Clinic or review from outside location*

  • Cost of hormone labs through LabCorp - every 1-3 weeks*

  • Lab monitoring and treatment adjustments

  • Access to 20% off any recommended supplements through Fullscript

  • Email & text access to Dr. Minjeur & team between visits

Does not include:

  • Supplements or medications

  • Additional labs outside of baseline and standard monitoring

  • Thyroid labs if ongoing monitoring required ($200 cash cost for 4 separate checks throughout pregnancy & postpartum)

Time of Enrollment
Entire pregnancy plus two months postpartum

Pricing Options
$100 at start of lab evaluation, then

One-time payment of $1600 (due at 1st visit)


2 payments of $850 each (due at 1st visit and 2nd trimester)

*If you are unable to utilize LabCorp for labs or Radiant Clinic for ultrasound services, you may use a local lab or imaging center of your choice, but will be responsible for payment to that facility. Payment for that portion of your package will be applied towards outside facility coordination and review of results and imaging.

Hormone Coaching

Work with a certified hormone coach to address the root causes of hormone imbalances

Hormone Coaching

  • 5 hormone coaching sessions

Package cost per month: $200
Minimum commitment: 3 months

Learn more about hormone coaching

Health Coaching

Work with a certified health coach for your overall health and nutritional goals

Health Coaching

  • 8 health coaching sessions

Package cost per month: $200
Minimum commitment: 4 months

Stand-alone Services

IUD Removal - $250

  • Single 30 minute appointment for Removal with Dr Minjeur

  • Will also discuss next steps for fertility awareness/family planning

Individual Charting Instruction - $100

  • One hour session

Individual Visit with Dr. Minjeur - $500

  • One hour session

Individual Postpartum Depression Consultation - $250

  • Note — a postpartum visit is included in Fertility and Pregnancy packages, as listed above

Ultrasound Scan for Follicle Tracking or Early Pregnancy - $250

  • Note — Ultrasounds are included in Fertility and Pregnancy packages, as listed above

Not sure what package is right for you?
Have questions?
Talk to Dr. Minjeur first!